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About Us

Dy­nam­ic42 was founded in spring 2018 in Jena and is cur­rently lo­cated at the BioIn­stru­mentezen­trum on the Beuten­berg Campus. We are a spin-off of the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal Je­na. We de­velop and mar­ket nov­el, three-di­men­sion­al, hu­man or­gan mod­els (so-called or­gan-on-chip tech­nol­o­gy) for pre­clin­i­cal re­search and de­vel­op­ment as well as for test­ing novel phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts, chem­i­cals and food ad­di­tives.


Furthermore, we are spe­cial­ized in immunocompetent or­gan-on-chip models integrating components of the im­mune sys­tem, which play a sig­nif­i­cant role in the occurrence of ad­verse ef­fects of drugs and has been ne­glected in the in­dus­try and in two-di­men­sional test sys­tems. Our plat­form en­ables tox­i­c­ity screen­ings and AD­MET stud­ies al­ready in pre­clin­i­cal phases on com­plex mi­cro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal mod­els of hu­man or­gans. Hereby, we ac­com­pany com­mer­cial man­u­fac­tur­ers as well as sci­en­tists in biomedical research in the de­sign and ex­e­cu­tion of pre­clin­i­cal stud­ies.


In ad­di­tion, we de­velop hu­man dis­ease and infection mod­els in our chip platform, both in­ter­nally and with ex­ter­nal part­ners – es­pe­cially in ar­eas where no an­i­mal mod­els are avail­able.


Recreating human physiology in vitro for better therapies and disease research without animal experiments.

At Dynamic42, we aim to transform the way drug development and disease research is done. We build human microphysiological systems, to address critical points where pathogens and therapeutic compounds interact with humans. Leveraging our expertise in immune cell integration and perfusion, we aim to build organ models that can address the full complexity of research questions around human biology with a special focus on infection modelling.

Our commitment extends to improving drug development, reducing side effects, and minimizing the risk of translational failure. We want to help our partners to actively reduce animal experimentation, by offering advanced infection and disease models that surpass standard cell culture methods.

Dynamic42 aims to lead in establishing human, physiological organ models, contributing to ethical research practices, and fostering a future where scientific advancements benefit humanity while minimizing the impact on animals.


Ethical and sustainable research without the use of animal models to improve clinical outcomes and disease insights.

Our vision at Dynamic42 is to lead the way in the economical and sustainable development of pharmaceuticals and therapies. We are dedicated to distributing human, microphysiological systems integrated with the latest technologies, aiming to minimize or replace animal experimentation. Upholding ethical values and sustainability in research and development is fundamental to our principles.

Central to our identity is a commitment to the well-being of humans. We strive to enhance drug development and disease research by offering human organ-on-chip models with true physiological complexity. This approach not only increases the safety of newly developed drugs and therapies but also reduces the likelihood of translational failure. Our daily motivation is rooted in the continues development of new applications, as well as the improvement and technological expansion of our platform, to achieve these visionary goals.

We are hiring!

We are looking for you! Whether as a researcher or administrative employee – there is still room for you in our team. Take a look at our vacancies now. Didn’t find a suitable position? Then simply apply on your own initiative!


Our commitment to sustainability

Since April 2023, we have been a proud member of the Thuringia Sustainability Agreement (NAT), which connects sustainably operating companies from Thuringia with each other.

Dynamic42 GmbH is dedicated to reducing animal testing in disease research and drug development and testing. We are pleased to be part of the global community, and we will continue to strengthen our efforts to drive positive change. 

Latest Company News


We were interviewed by the Ostthüringer Zeitung on the subject of animal-free research.

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Dynamic42 has launched the "Online Academy" for learning Organ-on-Chip technology as an alternative to animal testing.

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Improving people's lives with innovative technologies. This was the goal that Jena-based Dynamic42 had in mind 18 months ago when they launched a project - funded as part of the Sanofi iDEA-iTECH Award Program.

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