Jena-based biotechnology company “Dynamic42” raises seven-figure investment
Dynamic42 GmbH has completed a seven-figure start-up financing round. The company, which was spun off from the “Center of Sepsis Control and Care” (CSCC) at Jena University Hospital in March 2018, was able to convince investors bm-t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen gmbh (bm|t), Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (MBG) and Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland to invest in the company and thus support its development. Dynamic42 GmbH offers its customers miniaturised human organ models (so-called microphysiological systems) in order to carry out drug tests on them. With the help of the investments, Dynamic42 GmbH will advance the further development of products/services, the further development of the company infrastructure and personnel as well as the improvement of the property rights situation and the expansion of sales.
The human defence system plays an important role in the development of active substances. Dynamic42 GmbH is able to integrate parts of this system into its human organ models and to investigate their influence on drug compatibility. The customer can then make initial statements about the toxicity of drug candidates in humans before animal testing in the preclinical phase of drug development and decide whether development can be continued or stopped. In this way, Dynamic42 can help to increase drug safety, bring promising drug candidates to market more quickly and reduce costs in drug development as well as animal testing. Dynamic42 has already received several awards for this innovative problem solution.
About Dynamic42 GmbH
Dynamic42 GmbH was founded on 12 March 2018 and is a spin-off from the Integrated Research and Treatment Centre Sepsis and Sepsis Consequences (Center for Sepsis Control and Care, CSCC) of the University Hospital Jena. The company is currently based in the BioInstruments Centre on the Beutenberg in Jena. Dynamic42 GmbH markets and develops human microphysiological systems (MPS) / organ-on-chip models with integrated immune system components for research and testing of pharmaceutical products, novel therapies such as nanoparticles, chemical and food additives.
About bm|t
bm|t is one of the top addresses for investments in Thuringia. bm|t invests the entrusted capital profitably in start-up teams and companies in the Free State. This is how innovations and economic growth are financed in Thuringia. bm|t currently manages eight funds with a total volume of over 400 million euros and invests in innovative companies in almost all sectors and in all phases of corporate development – both in the start-up and growth phases or in corporate succession situations.
About MBG
As a strong and reliable partner, Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (MBG) offers small and medium-sized enterprises silent and open participations to strengthen their equity capital for start-up, consolidation or succession purposes. Companies thus have a good basis for solid development and sustainable growth.
About Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland
Since 1828, the Sparkasse has been rooted in the region and knows the wishes as well as the goals of the people and the companies. The Sparkasse will continue this strength with continuity, reliability, individuality, qualitative advice and fair prices. Therefore, as the largest regional financial partner, it is also important for the Sparkasse to ensure a better quality of life in the region: through the progressive digitalisation of its offers, the expansion of its advisory services, through public funding programmes and financing. Support for the economy, education, sport and culture through material and financial donations is just as important for the common good as the reliable partnership with its private and corporate customers.
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