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Press Release | Dynamic42 Academy

Scientists at the laboratory, Dynamic42 Academy

Press Release | Dynamic42 Academy

Jena-based biotech company passes on expertise on future organ-on-chip technology to research institutions and companies

With an academy at the BioInstrumentezentrum in Jena, the biotech company Dynamic42 GmbH is supplementing its services in the field of advanced training. The company began in 2018 with the development of models on biotech chips, which are used to test drugs and other substances on human organ replicas (organ-on-chip). Today the young company is not only active in contract research, but also sells the chips as well as the model systems for research institutions or, for example, the pharmaceutical industry. With external training courses at the customers’ premises, Dynamic42 supports the scientists in the correct application of the complex organ-on-chip technology. To complement this offer, the company has also established the Dynamic42 Academy internally, in which it passes on its expertise to interested scientists in an intensive course lasting several days.

Dynamic42 Academy, Participants

Participants of the Dynamic42 Academy, February 2023

In practical learning units, the participants of the Dynamic42 Academy are trained in the handling of the biotech chips developed and produced in-house as well as in working with the highly developed test systems. This includes the independent creation of cell and organ models. This means that users of the organ-on-chip technology can immediately apply the systems at a high level in their own research projects. This saves time and considerable costs in individual research projects, e.g. in the field of drug testing.

Interdisciplinary knowledge exchange

The academy is aimed in particular at scientists from the fields of pharmacology, toxicology, oncology, pulmonology, pneumology, drug development and experimental virology. With this offer, Dynamic42 responds to the need to make the rapidly developing organ-on-chip technology quickly and efficiently accessible to areas of research and development.

Scientists at the laboratory, Dynamic42 Academy

Dynamic42 Academy participants at the laboratory

The response from experts to the offer is positive and the demand from interested participants is constant. “We look forward to participants with the most diverse scientific questions at every course. In addition to the intensive transfer of knowledge, this always results in an insightful professional exchange. At the end, everyone goes back to their research sites enthusiastic and eager to use the techniques they have learned in their own projects. We also support our participants in this beyond the framework of the academy,” emphasises Dr. Martin Raasch, Managing Director of Dynamic42 GmbH.

Organ-on-Chip and the future of medicine

Organ-on-chip technology points the way to the future of medical research and development. It is not only suitable for testing active substances, but also for basic research or the investigation of infectious diseases. The method is used, for example, in research into lung infections. By replicating a human organ environment close to the body in the models with human tissue, the effects of infections can be precisely observed. This will open up new approaches for therapeutic questions in the future and reduce the need for animal experiments, for example in drug testing.

In addition, organ-on-chip is a suitable method for developing advanced, individualised medicines. Human organ cells are cultivated in the biotech chips on a membrane and in channels in specific arrangements. In this way, tissue samples from individual patients can be cultivated directly and examined for the respective medical interest. For example, the observation of the development of tumour cells is made possible. The findings can be transferred to individual treatment methods.

Information about Dynamic42

Dynamic42 is a contract company in the rapidly developing organ-on-a-chip market, founded in 2018 as a spin-off of the University Hospital Jena. With its organ-on-a-chip platform, the start-up develops in vitro test systems that can be used to investigate the effect of potential drug substances and chemicals on the human organism. The company also produces its own biotech chips that significantly improve the quality and informative value of the organ-on-a-chip process.

Further information at: www.dynamic42.com

PR Management Nancy Blaurock-Möller

Media Contact:

Dr. Nancy Blaurock-Möller

PR Management

Dynamic 42 GmbH

Winzerlaer Straße 2

07745 Jena

Phone +49 3641 508101


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