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Dynamic42 is a registered trademark

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Dynamic42 is a registered trademark

Major brands shape the corporate landscape and symbolize development and success. They express individuality. We also want to strengthen these in order to position ourselves in the fast-growing organ-on-chip market. With the registration of Dynamic42 as a (word) trademark, we are setting an example in the direction of future viability and growth.

The official registration as a registered trademark has been confirmed by the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).

Registration of Dyamic42 at the DPMA

The registration of a trademark serves to identify and protect goods or services of a company. Upon registration, its proprietor acquires the sole right to use the trademark for the protected goods and services.

Dynamic42’s trademark application was successfully reviewed by the German Patent and Trademark Office for absolute grounds for refusal, such as a lack of distinctive character. This was followed by the registration of the trademark and the assignment of our goods and services to the internationally uniform classes 01, 05, 09, 10, 42. These include, for example, biological agents, pharmaceutical products, medical preparations, research instruments, research work and scientific and technological services.

Differentiation on the market

Our brand now receives nationwide protection. In addition, our unique selling points and quality features were underlined with the registration. In this way, we keep a close eye on increasing the value of the company. Companies with a great brand value enjoy a competitive advantage. The products of some well-known manufacturers are often very popular, while other items are largely unknown. The products may be similar in structure, composition or functioning and may achieve comparable results when used. Nevertheless, there are usually market leaders whose name has an influence on the purchase decision.

With our name we want to clarify quality, gain awareness, and create trust.

Positioning for the future

Our goal is to build a strong Dynamic42 brand. It is particularly important to us to continue to strengthen trust and loyalty to our customers and partners. We also want to build the symbolic value of the brand and sharpen our corporate identity. Because we are convinced that a strong brand not only underlines entrepreneurial performance. In addition, it reflects the visions and measures that enable us to be future proof. For us, this means in particular driving innovation, providing identification potential for customers and employees, launching new product lines on the market and attracting investment and business partners.

We are also seeking registration as an EU trademark (EU trademark), and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is currently examining the application. Registration extends trademark protection to the European Union, making it easier for us to operate and position ourselves on these markets. It is stipulated by law that an EU trademark must be used within five years of its registration in the EU – a binding target for us.

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